I wrote a poem this summer that I forgot about, and I recently found it.
My heart is screaming
It wants to burst free
Trying to get out a word-
No, three: please answer me
Seeking an answer to a silent question
An unending question
The one that builds within
And tries to force it's way out
But it can't.
I hold back.
I close my eyes
As if darkness will solve my problem
I shut my lips tight
As if silence can help me
But I know
I'm alone until my question speaks
No one can hear my heart scream
I hide it away and hope someone might listen hard enough
People cannot hear
If they hear it and do nothing
My heart won't just scream
It will bleed
In fear I push my screaming heart down my throat
I try to breathe
I can't.
I must.
I move forward in silence
Only I can hear the noise
Someday I won't be alone
For now, this is alright