Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Being alone is something we all have to face. We can't all have people around us all the time. But I like being alone. When I'm by myself, I can read, write, or just relax. It can be really nice. Physically being alone isn't that bad, it's feeling alone that can be hard.
Feeling alone is one of those things that's not really addressed. You can be in a crowd of people but feel completely isolated. What makes us feel like that? It's this notion we get when we think that people don't care about us. It's silly most of the time, but in truth, humans like attention. Everyone enjoys being paid attention to at least sometimes. And those times when you start to feel like no ones ever seeking you out, you start to feel like you're really not that close to anyone at all. That's why I like to have multiple people I can talk to. Having close friends you've confided in is really important. Having this person be a significant other is a bad idea. Yes, you should tell them things, but when you break up, you'll need your friends. And if it's just one person, well, people get busy. Open up to people and have multiple friends who you can really talk to about anything. The most important part is making sure you're there for them, too. If they need to vent, you need to have an open ear and a shoulder to cry on. Those relationships work both ways.
When you're feeling alone, sometimes the answer isn't to go crying to someone. Sometimes the answer is to make sure your friends know they can come to you. And know when it's a good time. Maybe you're not feeling too good, but maybe your confidant just got asked out. Probably not the best time. The middle of math class? Not a good time either. It's hard to be told that there is a time and place for you to have your feelings because you don't choose when they come, but that's a part of life. We all have to learn how to best act in a friendship, and the rules will be different for each person.
Now being alone can also be about relationships, not just friends. We can feel alone when we see a picture of our ex with someone new, when we see a random happy couple, when we've been single for a long time, when we just need a hug, or-most sharply-right after we've gotten out of a relationship. I know that when you're with someone, it's really nice to have that person who you can talk to all the time and who is always there for you, giving you constant love. Of course your family should always be there for you and giving you unconditional love, but they're your family. It's a different thing entirely when they had the choice of anyone and they chose you. So yeah, being in a relationship is nice, but it can also be a lot of work. Sometimes when I find myself being alone, I realize that I don't miss anyone in particular or even being in a relationship, I miss that closeness that I've had with people. Which is pointless, because I can easily talk to those people. Just remind your friends that you're there for them and that you care about them, because that doesn't need to be implied. We shouldn't have to feel alone when we have so many people to care about that care about us back.

“The trouble is not really in being alone, it's being lonely. One can be lonely in the midst of a crowd, don't you think?” 
― Christine FeehanDark Prince

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