Thursday, April 25, 2013


Instincts. We all have them, and they're there for lots of different things. We all get the instinct not to go down that dark alley by ourselves, not to call out to see if the killer's in the house, and to fight/flight(whichever you prefer) if someone attacks us. But that's not what I want to talk about. I'm talking about the instinct we have to become someone's friend, to stay away from someone, to do our homework or not, or to say that comment we're considering saying. Those things that you could't possibly know but somehow you just have a feeling. I learned today that I should listen to those instincts. I had a feeling that I should push forward to start a comedysportz team at my school even though odds are against it, and we just got permission for it, it's going to happen. I had a feeling I should go see the school play last night and now here I am, running the light board because their usual guy couldn't make it. Those things worked out well for me because I went with my instincts, and not with what other people told me or expected. They may seem like small things, but these are just recent examples. It's almost just making the right decision, some people will say it's just chance. But I believe in that feeling you get. It happens when you shouldn't do something, too. Like when everyone tells you to go for that guy, but some little voice is telling you not to, and you go for him. Then you end up getting hurt, either with immediate rejection or break up, and if you ask me, that's generally worse. But if you listened to that little voice, it could have been avoided. All sorts of things can come from your instincts, and it's worth listening to them. Go against the odds, do what feels right to you. You'll have more fun than if you just follow all the rules and do what you're told.

No quote because I couldn't find one. It's harder than it looks.

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