Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We never really know what we're doing. Okay, maybe you do, but you are an exception. We're just running around, trying to do everything when we can't even hold onto one thing. It's high school. High school in my area, at least. Grades are our lives. Do you remember in Harry Potter when Hermione thought getting expelled would be worse than death? Well for us, that's true. We all try so hard and what for? To get into college. To get a better education. And then what? Most of us don't know. So what are we doing now? Everything we can. And will we get into the school of our dreams, if we even know what that is? We can't say for sure, not with how competitive it is now. We don't know what's going to happen in our lives, and no one ever has, but we're working so hard for a future we can't guarantee. And honestly, that scares me.
Our whole lives are uncertain, and that makes us uncertain. We aren't sure if there's a meaning to it all, and if there is what that meaning is, and if we should be doing what we're doing. During high school, we have to deal with all that, while our brains are still developing. And on top of that, our feelings are uncertain. Very few teenagers actually are completely sure of how they feel. This can be related to political and religious beliefs, and some people will continue with that uncertainty for the rest of their lives. It can also be related to emotions. We don't know how we feel about ourselves, our friends, our peers. We may think we do, but it's always fleeting, always changing. Try asking yourself how you feel. You might have an answer, but you might struggle with it. Sometimes I'm completely sure I'm happy, and other times I have no idea. Sometimes I think I'm something at first, but when I think about it I'm completely confused. Disappointed. Scared. Happy. Sad. Angry. Sometimes I just don't know.
But that's normal. I used to hate hearing that other people had the same problem as me. I was thinking oh great, don't worry about it, it's nothing, this happens to everyone? And I got mad about that. But now I see that it really just helps me. I'm uncertain about things. I'm a teenage girl. If I knew exactly how I felt all the time or whether or not I'm actually agnostic, then that would be amazing. But I don't, and eventually I will.
Teenagers need to enjoy high school. We need to stop stressing about all these uncertainties. No, don't stop working toward your future, but don't stretch yourself thin. Make sure to do things that you like, and be certain about as much as you can, for your own sanity. Let go of the things that stress you out. Be who you want to be, and if that changes, you can too.

"There was no direction."-Gone by Michael Grant

1 comment:

  1. That's why I'm not gonna go to college :)
